New 2 Bedroom Apartments in Eastbourne

New 2 Bedroom Apartments in Eastbourne

COMING SOON – Released at the end of May 2021. Loa Court 2 Bedroom Apartments Macauley Place – Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne Prices from just £299,950 Phase 2 of Macauley Place also incorporates a small block of just 4 apartments over 4 floors.
Covid-19 information for Macauley Place

Covid-19 information for Macauley Place

As new lockdown measures are introduced from Thursday 5th of November, JW Stratton Ltd have enhanced Covid-19 procedures on site with additional hand sanitizing stations around our site and employee/contractor temperature checks on the gate each morning. We have...
Covid-19 information for Macauley Place

Covid-19 – Company Update

As lockdown measures were announced by the government in March 2020, J W Stratton Ltd closed down their offices and sites as part of the country`s united effort to restrict the spread of the virus. We are pleased to say that none of our employees have been struck down...

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