Environmental Policy

Reducing Environmental Impact

Green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of new buldings. Buildings can account for a large amount of land use, energy and water consumption, and air and atmosphere pollution. The government have set targets for new buildings to reduce these effects to an absolute minimum by 2016, and make construction a sustainable industry, and not one that uses up the planets resources. Modern building methods are now leading the way for a sustainable future.

Green building brings together a vast array of practices and techniques to eliminate the impacts of new buildings on the environment and human health.

Various resources are used such as solar panels and photovoltaic panels, high efficiency boilers,high levels of insulation, low energy lights, flow restrictive water fittings, water butts, bat boxes and composters. It is just as important for new home buyers to learn how to operate their new home efficiently, which will not only make the use of new technology worthwhile, but will also save money!

Environment And Ecology


Reducing of environmental impact


Water efficiency


Waste reduction


Energy efficiency


Materials efficiency


Sustainable energy

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