As lockdown measures were announced by the government in March 2020, J W Stratton Ltd closed down their offices and sites as part of the country`s united effort to restrict the spread of the virus.

We are pleased to say that none of our employees have been struck down by the virus and by following the advice of our independent health and safety auditors, carrying out thorough risk assessments and the subsequent easing of government restrictions we have been able to reintroduce most of our employees and some of our sub-contractors.

All are working to distancing and hygiene and personal health requirements and the nature of our work – being largely in the outside air, means the risk of infection can be kept very low.

We are able to restrict work within the houses to 1 trade (and usually 1 operative) at a time.

The virus does, unfortunately, mean that any items of maintenance required in occupied houses can only be carried out under strict conditions of distancing and hygiene (gloves, mask and disinfecting surfaces), but thankfully such visits are minimal.

The majority of our employees, contractors and suppliers have returned to work, although more often than not, at limited capacity.

We will continue to protect our employees, contractors, customers and visitors to the site and offices and sometimes this may entail delays, for which we apologise.

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